Just in case you are unaware that there is a group of people who want to subject the rest of the world to their demented 8th Century ideas – You should take the time and educate yourself. A group of “intellectuals” and of course front groups for islamofascists such as CAIR do not like the use of the name.
Christopher Hitchens, can explain the why the term is accurate better then I can.
Halloween is coming up, but this is no smurf costume. It is a Birqini – which is described as “dynamic swimwear for today’s Muslim female”.
The thought of heading to my local beach during Spring Break and being confronted with hundreds of coeds outfitted in Birqinis is frightening. I did notice she has no veil, and her hands and feet are exposed – she must be a slut! lol
Bottom line is these islamofascists need to be stopped, because there are no micro bikinis in Iran. Power to Micro Booty!